Wonder Woman gets DENIED!

It looks like we will not get the opportunity to see a series about a “tight-red-patent-leather-super hero” whose overall chronicle and accompanying actor is unbelievable and upsetting. No, I’m not talking about coke bloat Ben Affleck; I’m talking about David E. Kelley’s Wonder Woman pilot that was being pitched to NBC. THANK GOD this show didn’t get picked up. From the costume shots alone you could tell that this was closer to “Power Ranger” than to “Iconic DC Comic book hero.” It’s rumored that because of the production cost of the pilot, this charade will be developed into a special feature, or Netflix release. Regardless of what happens, this was probably the best thing that could have happened, NOW, hopefully, there will be a proper portrayal of the heroine that could do it some justice, however bleak that may seem.

Five Reasons Wonder Woman series wouldn’t work

1. The costume sucks: Even with modern interpretations, this costume blows on so many levels.

2. To Fly or Not to fly?: Smallville has held us in complete suspense about having superman fly, now why would we want to see this chick in an INVISIBLE PLANE? Dumb stuff.

3. Who is really going to watch it?: Horny men who will watch just enough to “finish.” Fan boys who will also watch enough to finish or get distracted their Xbox and women who have the need to get the “XENA fix.”

4. No Longevity: Wonder Woman is not strong enough of a character to keep the attention of viewers for multiple seasons.

5. Because there are better ways to spend production money.

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